For months now, I have been watching and listening as I have
wondered why there has been such a falling away in the churches,
and finally, I have come to the conclusion that, some people have
taken church on as another habit, or a social status.  We’ve
forgotten why we go, why we’re there and who it is we are to be
helping.  We get comfortable just going and it turns into
another year of “high school” with the cliques and the “church
buddies.”  We tend to want to keep to our church members and
those that we know or have known for years, we don’t reach out to
others or even make an effort to bring them into the church and
make them feel part of the family.  We are failing ourselves,
but worst of all, we are failing God.  Our job is not to get
comfortable, not to buddy up with the preacher or deacon, our job
is to get out there and tell every sinner about the price that Our
Savior paid for their sins and how they can know Him personally.
 We tend to ignore the youth as well.  We don’t listen to
them, we don’t acknowledge what it is they would like to do,
therefore, we tend to turn them away from church, away from what is
right and send them back out into the world with a feeling of
wasted time.  Christians need to wake up!  We need to
admit our own sins, try to do what God has commanded we do and stop
pretending that just because we are saved, God won’t mind our
hidden secret sins!  We need to live a life that shows others
we are truly God’s vessels and we want them for His kingdom!
 We can’t expect to pull sinners in by trying to take the beam
from their eyes, while we blinded with our own!  We are
failing the sinners of the world!  So, let’s stop pretending
and playing church and actually be about our Father’s business
before it is too late!!!

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