Like an author who seeks their one story, the story that shows
the world who they are, so am I, always looking for that one song
that shows the world who I am.  I guess you are asking why I
am writing on this subject, but it isn’t just one person looking
for their voice, I believe everyone is looking for that one thing
in this universe that tells the rest of the world why we are
special and who we are exactly.  What makes us different from
everyone else, that’s what we are all searching for. 
Sometimes it feels like we will never accomplish our goal,
sometimes we are in hopes that other people will just come to the
conclusion that we are actually unique individuals, but I look for
that way of showing who I am for my benefit more than anyone
else’s.  I don’t understand why it is so important, maybe deep
down, we all feel like we have been rejected in some way, or maybe,
we just feel like we don’t fit in with what others say is someone
interesting, but I do know this, every single person that I have
ever met has left an impression with me as to what kind of person
they are.  In a way, that makes them unique and very
special.  I write this just to let others know that everyone
wonders about themselves, but I know who I am in Christ, I just
wish others could see me in the way that He does.  I guess you
could say, I want to be remembered!  Isn’t that what everyone
wants?  Without living on in the hearts and minds of others,
we just tend to fade away and noone wants to fade away.

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