I’ve spent many days rationalizing how people act, the choices
they make and why they do the things they do.  I dare say,
I’ve come to the conclusion that until we are perfect, we are all
going to sin in some way or another, no matter how hard we try, I
believe it is human nature to be imperfect, but we are to strive to
be as perfect as possible, although the Bible says we will never be
perfect.  I guess I’m saying the I am coming to the
realization that until I can perfect my Christian walk, I shouldn’t
expect a perfect Christian walk from everyone else!  I know we
are all struggling and I sometimes lose sight of that.  God
knows my heart though and I pray for all to make the best decisions
according to His will.  Another one of my biggest problems is
the feeling of being “nobody.”  I have struggled with this for
most of my life.  I have always felt that I have to prove
myself to everyone, prove that I am someone.  I often wonder
what it is that makes me feel that way and although I may never
know, I am slowly coming to the conclusion that I don’t have to
prove anything to anyone, except my God!  He loves me, even if
I don’t!  He thinks I’m worthy of Heaven, even if I don’t feel
I am!  I am so thankful that God is in control and His ways
are not our ways, otherwise, I would be in trouble.  If I had
to get into Heaven by my own deeds, I’m afraid I would never even
see the Pearly Gates!  And even if I am never someone special
to man, I am someone special to Jesus!  Why else would He die
for me on a cross at Calvary!  I can hardly wait for the first
to be last and the last to be first!!!

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