I guess I’ve been sort of just thinking about things- naturally musical things- and I have decided, no matter who likes or dislikes our style, we shall continue on the musical path that we have chosen! I cannot sing songs or styles that I cannot connect with and neither can anyone who is truly passionate…
Our music is personal! We sing the songs that speak to us, some of them are songs we have spoken and written about! Music should have a meaning to those who listen to it. It should say something that you can relate to. It helps to heal our soul and lifts us up when we…
Hi all! It’s been a long time since I’ve sat down and wrote much of anything, but seems I’m on a roll as of late! We have been penning some new songs and I am super excited about all of this. We will soon have two new songs (A Better Day and Ballad of Benjamin)…
What a wonderful evening I have had with friends and my nephew! It does my heart good to know that even at the near age of 40, my 14 year old nephew still thinks I’m “cool” enough to hang out with! Life is so fast now as we get older, we don’t take the time…
Well, what can I say! October has been a very busy month for us! We finally released our newest album project, I’ll Live On, and pulled off a few shows that were wonderful! Our friends and fans have been so wonderful to us, we just can’t thank you enough! We like to see your lovely…
Here it is nearly 3:30 in the morning and I am wrestling with sleep and many things on my mind. We have been working on our newest CD entitled “I’ll Live On” and hopefully it will be out by the beginning of October. Yet, no matter how hard we try, it doesn’t seem to matter…
What a glorious day it has been! It started out with getting to listen to some of the wonderful youth girls from church singing praises to the Lord this morning during a wonderful sermon! Then a visit to the home of a lady that I have always thought highly of to eat a wonderful home…
I should have known that today held some upsetting news when the storms moved in last night and set a somber mood. When I woke up this morning I learned of the death of one of my all time favorite actors, Mr. Andy Griffith. I spent many childhood hours watching the reruns of The Andy…